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Infobase Subscription Resources

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Infobase Resources
Username = swiftmiddle
Password = library

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Newspapers and Encyclopedias

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NYT is an American newspaper based in New York City with worldwide influence and readership.  Search today's news or search the archives using the school subscription.

Username = Swift Middle School
Password = swiftmiddle

The Republican American is a newspaper focusing on our community and surrounding towns & cities. Search today's news or search the archives using the school subscription.

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Britannica Online School Edition offers encyclopedias and related materials for students of all levels. Users can also take advantage of the Learning Materials, a collection of educational exercises, activities, and study guides.

Something for all content areas


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BrainPOP - Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts & Music, Health, and Technology.

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Username = swiftmiddle
Password = swift

DE Streaming - find video, audio and print resources across all content areas.  

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